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Your Trinity Cert.TESOL, your way

: 31-05-2024

Your Trinity CertTESOL, your way.

We totally understand that we are all different and so we have a variety of ways to complete the Trinity CertTESOL course. People can choose how to do the course and how long to take to do it, our aim is to make the course work within people’s lifestyles.

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Inclusive Trinity Cert.TESOL: Becoming a Qualified English Teacher

: 22-05-2024

We are really excited to let you to know about what we’re doing to help people become more knowledgable, more confident teachers and to pave the way to better teaching positions online and in-class across the globe.

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“Help! I’d love to get properly qualified with the the Trinity CertTESOL but I don’t have the time or the money! What can I do?”

: 01-12-2023

At Active Language we want our Trinity CertTESOL course to work for you whatever your circumstances. We want our courses to be as inclusive as possible. “Your Trinity CertTESOL, your way” allows greater access the course even for those with time and, indeed, financial limitations.

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Win a scholarship for one of our Trinity CertTESOL courses

: 01-12-2023

We are giving away a 750€ scholarship on each of our Trinity CertTESOL courses. Read on to

find out more...

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